Sri Lanka Olympians to add ‘OLY’ suffix to their names


The annual get together of Sri Lanka Olympians Association (SLO)was held at the Citrus Waskaduwa on the 25th November where the prestigious group gathered for an evening of awareness and comradery.

The day included two important awareness sessions. Mr. B L H Perera, a lecturer appointed by the International Olympic committee to educate young sportsmen and women, conducted a session on the Values of Olympics while Dr Seevali Jayawickrama, Director of the Sri Lanka Anti-Doping Agency (SLADA) spoke to the gathering about the importance of highlighting and educating the upcoming youngsters about the importance of doping awareness.

The Chairperson- Asia for the World Olympians Association (WOA) appraised the event by sending a video message for the local gathering.

In what will be a move to honor the Olympians who have dedicated a large part of their lives to excelling in their respective disciplines, the Internationally recognized post nominal letters OLY were registered as an official suffix in the Island. On approval from the World Olympians Association, every registered Olympian can now add the suffix ‘OLY’ to their names as an acknowledgement of the hard work dedication and effort that they have poured into becoming Olympians.

Mr. Sanath Weerasuriya, Coordinating Secretary for the President, Dr. Janaprasad Wijethunga Sports medicine doctor SLO and Mr. Chanaka Jayamaha Legal Officer SLO were also present at the event as special invitees.