NOC SL refutes slanderous misinformation


Mr. Maxwell de Silva, the Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka said “We clearly stated in our communiqué that the contingent would be eight athletes and fifteen officials in number and it was the guideline set forth by the IOC.

However, a person who is a resident of Thailand named Sesiri Pathirana seems to have been privy to this misinformation have come out with this highly malicious statement alleging that the Olympic tour squad comprises 2 athletes accompanied by 58 officials at a cost of Rs. 22 million. That information is totally false.

“The total budget of Rs.22 M is correct. NOC Contributes Rs.9.2 Million or 41.4% of the Budget and Ministry’s contribution is 58.7% of which app. 43% consist of cost related to Covid expenses, Airfare and accommodation cost for 6 Journalists, VIP Accommodation, amounting to Rs.5.7 M and also there is provision of transportation of the Horse amounting Rs. 1 Million and another Rs.400,000/- for Shooting ammunition transport etc. This is the total commitment for the Tokyo 2020”

Therefore, all news pertaining to the NOC SL activity could be reached through its news media and press releases.