Hurricanes Win Woqood Beach Rugby Championship 2017


Qatar as a flamboyant sporting nation has dedicated an annual state-wide sports day, This encourages corporations and establishments to host sporting events across the state. On this day, many sporting events are organized for individuals and families to participate and reconnect in sportsmanship.

One of the most popular events of the Qatar national sports day is the annual Beach Rugby Championship. Main sponsors WOQOOD, and co-sponsors EIC and NANDOS along with organisers QATAR RUGBY FEDERATION put up a magnificent show on the 14th February 2017 at KATARA Beach by hosting the annual Beach Rugby Challenge Tournament.

16 of the elite touch rugby playing teams in Qatar participated in this event. HURRICANE STORMS Rugby club hosted two tams,Hurricanes and Storms.

Whilst “Storms” advanced to the cup semi finals stage improving their previous standing on being Bowl runners-up , the “Hurricanes” went all the way to clinch The CUP CHAMPIONS title of the 2017, WOQOOD BEACH RUGBY CHALLENGE beating a spirited Al Khor Team by 1-0 in the grand finale.

Hurricane Storm Rugby Club, president Hans Thomasz said that “the key to this achievement is the dedication and commitment of the players and also their families who’s support behind the curtains is beyond expectations “.

The Plate Championship was won in a thriller by the Qatar Wolfs team beating the Blue Thunders 1-0.

The Hurricanes lead by Amila Eranga emerged as unbeaten champions out playing some of the strong contestants of Touch Rugby in Qatar, including  defending champs BLUE THUNDER.