Dr. Fone champions at 7th AmCham – NDB Bowling Tournament


The 7th AmCham – NDB Bowling Tournament 2017 organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka (AmCham) was held on November 25th, 2017 at the Excel World Entertainment Park, Colombo 10.

Twenty-six teams took part in this year’s tournament and the event was conducted in 3 preliminary rounds.  Out of 26 teams the best 10 teams were selected for the final round.

Dr. Fone emerged Champions of the AmCham – NDB Bowling Tournament 2017 with a final score of 781 points. Smart Technologies “Redbacks” were the 1st runners-up with 774 points and Commercial Bank “Com Bank” was adjudged the 2nd runner-up with 732 points.

Munawer Huzain Mohamed Shafraz of Smart Technologies won the Best Player – Male award with 199 points while Gnei Asma Sattideem of Dr. Fone was awarded the Best Player -Female award with 120 points.

  • Dr. Kumudu Gunasekera, President, AmCham Sri Lanka awarding the Champions Trophy to the team from Dr. Fone