Cabinet sub-committee appoints to resolve Sri Lanka Cricket issues

Sri Lanka Cricket News

President’s Media Division

In a significant development, the Cabinet of Ministers has convened to address the pressing issues facing the country’s cricket landscape. The attention of the Cabinet was drawn to various concerns within Sri Lanka Cricket.  In the cabinet meeting held today (06), the Cabinet discussed and decided on a course of action to address these concerns.

The Cabinet has resolved to appoint a special sub-committee with the mandate to examine the current situation and work in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including input   from esteemed former cricketers.  The primary objective of this sub-committee is to recommend immediate, viable  measures  to resolve  the outstanding  issues  in  Sri Lanka  Cricket.

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The members  of  this sub-committee, who  have  been   entrusted   with   this   vital  responsibility, include: Hon. Ali Sabry – Minister of Foreign Affairs as  the  Chairman  while  Hon.  Kanchana Wijesekara – Minister of Power and Energy Hon. Manusha Nanayakkara  Minister  of  Labour  & Foreign  Employment   and  Hon. Tiran  Alles  – Minister  of Public  Security  as its  members.

In addition to the above, an additional secretary to the President, nominated by the Secretary to the President, will function as the Secretary/Convenor to the sub-committee. This  appointment  ensures efficient   coordination  and facilitation  of the  committee’s  work.

Furthermore, the sub-committee  has  been authorized  to  co-opt  the  services  of any  official  or expert in the relevant field  as  they  deem  necessary  for  their  deliberations.  This  inclusive  approach  aims to tap into a wide range of expertise and perspectives to address the cricket-related issues more comprehensively.

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The decision made by the Cabinet regarding the formation of this sub-committee is to be treated as confirmed, and  it  underscores  the  government’s  commitment  to  addressing  the  challenges  faced  by Sri Lanka Cricket. The sub-committee is expected to work diligently  to  bring  forth  practical solutions   to strengthen  and rejuvenate   the country’s  cricketing   landscape.