Weekly Round-Up of the CHA Hockey League 2014


The Colombo Hockey Association (CHA) League Tournament matches were played over both Saturday and Sunday at the Astro Hockey Turf in Reid Avenue, Colombo 07. 

The first match of the day one started off with University of Moratuwa vs AWD SC and AWD SC won the first match by 04 points to 01. Even though UOM was leading at the first quarter of the match, AWD SC started to work on their manner of attacking game to the astonishment of the UOM boys. The goal scorers for AWD SC were D.K.J. Silva, K.G.D.B. Gihan, H.M.R.S. Kumara and A.D.R. Roshan.

Match no. 2 of the day was between the Old Thomians Matale vs Old Thomians Mount Lavinia. This match was played in the manner of goal for goal by the Thomians, where Matale Old Thomian, N.K. Wilwalaarachchi drew the first blood of the match for his team. But the diehard boys from Mount Lavinia couldn’t resist the performance of the Matale boys, so that they ended up scoring a goal against Matale to read the score board as 01 all at the breather. Even though Matale were rewarded by three penalty corners they were unable to convert non into goals. Nevertheless Wilwalaarachchi scored another goal under his name to take the lead of the match, but was yet again dumped by Mount Lavinia boys where Mohamed Amjad scored his second goal of the day. N. Ekanayake from Matale and R. Gunasekara from Mount Lavinia scored each goal to tie up the match.

Hindu College SC played the third match of the day against Old Anandians (B), concluding the match by 02 points to 01 in favor of Hindu College SC. Hindu College played an attacking game throughout the match to demolish the Old Ana (B) team on Saturday afternoon. Nadun from Old Ana (B) team were the only man who was able to draw the first and the last blood for their team but Sutharshan and Chitpavan from Hindu SC scored each goal for their team respectively to win the game against Old Ana (B) team. And the fourth match of the day was between Old Nalanda and Old Senanyakians. Old Nala won the match by 03 points to nil to stand as a strong side in the boy’s category of the CHA League. The major weak point of the Senanayakians were that they were not securing the ball and the passes from their fellow team mates and it made them to lose quite few passes. Vimukthi Darshana of Nalanda was the most outstanding player of the match where he scored two goals and Dilan Niroshan made it all together three for the Old Nala team. AWD SC won their second match of the day by 05 points to nil over UOC to be unbeaten on the day. 

Old Bens made a tremendous victory over the Old Thomians from the Hockey town, Matale. Yet it is a well known fact that the best hockey is from Matale, Bens from Colombo proved it wrong and made the Old Thora team to go down by 07 points to 01. Allus and Michael scored each goal respectively whilst Suren scored 02 goals and Gayan scored 03 goals to make the team feel marvelous in the evening, where D. Dissanayake from Old Thomians Matale was able to score only one goal for their team. And the last match of the day played over at the Colombo Turf between UOM vs CH & FC (B) team, Moratuwa lost the game by one point after conferring a thrill and periling match for the CH & FC (B) team to win by 03 points to 04. 

Results of the matches played over on the day 02 (21st September) are as follows;

•AWD SC beats Royal College HC by 03 points to 01

•BRC beats Old Peters by 03 points to 01

•St. Thomas’ HC Mount Lavinia beats Hindu College O.B.S.C. by 07 points to 01

•Old Nalandians beat Old Anandians (B) by 07 points to 01

•Old Bens beat Old Senanayakians by 07 points to nil