Crate Adventure launches Sri Lanka`s First ATV

Crate Adventure launches Sri Lanka`s First ATV

All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) popularly known as the quad, is a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires. As the name implies it is designed to handle a wider variety of terrain than any other vehicles. Crate Adventure bringing the adventure to Sri Lanka, launched the maiden ATV adventure resort recently. 

Crate Adventure PVT Ltd identified the gap in Sri Lanka between general tourism and adventure tourism. Most travelers now seek to spend time with nature and experience adventure. Majority of the tourists that arrive in Sri Lanka are ones that want to keep a foot forward towards adventure. They seek activities which has now become a sport such as ATV riding which is mostly available in the North American and European regions.

This gap was the key to initiate Crate Adventure. Joining-hands with the World’s Leading ATV manufacturer, a North American Company, Can Am by BRP; Crate Adventure will implement ATV tracks according to global expertise from professionals. Crate Adventure will feature top in the class, high-end ATVs that exceeds tourist expectations.

Such an ATV track will be a first-time in Sri Lanka and so it’ll be a great opportunity for the adventure seeking local youth as well as nature-loving locals, as Crate Adventure will have a track suitable for each individual, whether he/she is a young adventure seeker or a nature lover in the 50s who’d like to go for a slow scenic ride to recall the best memories from their youth age.