Trinity Massacre DS in Opener


Trinity College Kandy brought about a  literal massacre over their counterparts DS Senanayaka College Colombo by beating them 61-0 in their season opener held at the Pallekelle Rugby Stadium this evening.

It was clearly one- way traffic with no room or breathing space for an opposite pathway.  The Trinitian outfit coming into play for the very first time this 2014 season, did not fail to showcase their optimum potential which prophesied  what the school in the hills had to offer in this Singer Schools Rugby League 2014. The crowd gathered anticipated a close encounter to take place as the visitor’s win against heavyweight St. Peter’s in their pre -season game had risen their spirits. 

The home lads right from the kick off whistle  were hurling around the ball aggressively to make some ground in the very first stages of play. Their effort bore fruit as Trinity was awarded a 25m penalty which they failed to convert. Not taking such misses as drawbacks, Trinity College drew first blood in the 8th minute of play through one of their set-plays where Rukshan Sasmin scored the first try for the season for Trinity. The conversion not being a successful left Trinity at 5-0

Skipper Ratwatte later on increased his team’s score further up with a penalty which he kicked with ease. This was just a beginning for a high ending score and Ratwatte was simply laying the foundation. Senior man Sanchana Shiek was the destructive source for the side as he crossed over for two successive tries on the left corner taking Trinity to double figures. With both these tries not being converted, the score escalated by ten points leaving Trinity at 18-0.

As tries kept flooding through all corners, it was the DS fullback who was busy countering such attacking motives. Buddhima Priyantha, the DS fullback was having a hard day at office but he was not quite successful enough to stop the sprints of Rukshan Sasmin. The wing-three with the ball covered over 30 meters before he touched down for his second of the day right under the post. Skipper Ratwatte made no mistake in the conversion and added the two extras as play halted for half time with scores reading 25-0.

Half –time  score – 25-0

With the 1st half  clearing doubts on the day’s outcome, Trinity College was sitting comfortably established in their home ground. The second half saw Trinity fielding in their entire replacement bench giving them a chance out in the field but that did not seem to affect DS’s playing. Rather than having some breathing space, it seemed to have worsened the situation. 

Try #1 in the second essay came from the skipper himself with the help of his lock Pasindu Hemal doing most of the work as Ratwatte only had to take on the final player and head towards the try line. With Standoff Perera kicking for the extras, scores escalated to 32-0. Lochana Girihagama who did not quite get momentum on his stride in the early stages was at full pace this second half as he solitarily triggered a try through picking the gaps and had the legs to score under the post. Easy conversion added the extras taking the score to 39.

Trinity’s fourth year seniorman Isuru Rangala’s back to back tries took Trinity to a score which they would have not expected. With both being scored near the goal posts, Ratwatte was able to convert one of the two which made Trinity to go beyond the 50 milestone.

Two further scores, one goal by substitute prop forward Shalindra Alahakoon and a penalty by Tarinda Ratwatte summed up Trinity’s massacre of the Golds as the final blow was called at 61-00. It was mayhem at Pallekelle with Trinity living up to their expectations while entertaining the ever-faithful Kandy to a splendid display of rugby.

DS on the other hand had some close calls. Their playing methodology was not quite successful as two players were sin binned during the first half as well. Towards the second half some attacking stunts were witnessed, mainly being triggered by the skipper No8 Wijekoon but these efforts were futile under the Trinity forwards. It was the Lion’s day and nothing worse could happen on such occasions.

ThePapare spoke with Tarinda Ratwatte on the win and he mentioned he and his lads need to keep this mentality towards the upcoming games in the season.

Scores In brief Trinity 61 (2P 4T 5G) – DS 00

ThePapare Man of the Match – Tarinda Ratwatte