The Division 2 Group D’s surprising show down


Defying the general perspective towards a typical D Division the matches were pretty tight and all were taking a very solid approach towards the victories.

As a matter of fact spectators enjoyed the matches not knowing the winners of the game till the last minute. The point gaps were varying from 2 to a high 38; however, the most of the matches were below 15.

The DPMC and the Air Force B was having a ‘kick-off’ start.  Reaching final scores of 88(DPMC) and 86     (Air Force) the match was a delight to watch. The players of both teams knew where to shoot and where to place themselves in the court, which led to a huge advantage for them to reach such scores. Most of all it was a tight match, the audience were kept on the edge of their seats until the last minute.

Another match that was highlighted in the group D was Kurunagela vs Otters B. Though they were not high scoring as the previous match, form the beginning the match was fluctuating back and forth and was filled with three pointers. The ending was similar with a 2 point gap; in other words the turnover was just one basket away. The final score was 68-66 with Kurunegala finally winning the title.

Old Mahinda vs DPMC , Otters B vs. DPMC,  Buffalo B vs. Old Mahinda and Kurunagela vs. Old Mahinda were among the other matches which gained attention. As an individual performer, Kurunagela contributed a lot to the Group D games. With three victories and two losses their performance was remarkable.

The most outstanding performance of group D in division 2 was by Air Force- winning 9 bonus points. They won 4 games in their spell; however even in the only match Air Force did not win, it was just a two point miss.  Also beating Otters B and Old Mahinda, the competitors for the top position, helped Air Force to maintain the position. The most valuable factor for their win was, DPMC, the only team they could beat, undergoing two losses.

The poorest performer of group D was the Buffaloes B with 5 losses. But as we see with the other teams in the group D even Buffalos contributed a lot for the overall gaming picture. As already noted the Buffalos B and old Mahinda match was one of the most entertaining. Finally, we can conclude that Group D stood out from the rest of the groups for what it contributes to the overall entertainment.