Teams flock to DRC for the first ever Indoor Rowing Nationals

  The Sri Lanka National Indoor Rowing Championship 2024

  The Sri Lanka National Indoor Rowing Championship 2024

The Sri Lanka National Indoor Rowing Championship 2024, organized by the Amateur Rowing Association of Sri Lanka (ARASL), was held last weekend on the 20th and the 21st  of January, at the Diyawanna Rowing Center (DRC).

This event, being held for the first time, had brought together rowers from the armed forces, schools and as well as universities, including over 120 individual racers and nearly 50 relay teams. Whilst the first day facilitated all individual events, the relays had their turn on the day that followed.

The races were branched into the four age groups of Under 14, Under 16, Under 18 and Under 23, along with the Open and Lightweight Categories, where the Under 16 and 18 groups claimed the highest number of entries.

>>Photos – Sri Lanka Indoor Rowing Championship – 2024

Along with utilizing 9 ergs, the individual events for three age groups rowed a distance of 2000 meters (2 km), whilst the under 14 category completed a 1000 meter course (1 km). The relays were undertaken by 4 rowers rowing 500 meters each, to total a distance of 2000 meters. All heats were further enhanced with the use of a virtually simulated platform, allowing the rowers to keep track of where they were in their race.

After two exhilarating days of rowing, the final results are as follows.

Day 1: Individual Races

First Place U-16 Girls – DRA – Havishka Samarasekara Perera

First Place U-18 Girls – GC – Jaanya Kumarawadu

First Place U-23 Women – GC – Oneli Chandrasekara

First Place LW Women – SLA – J. H. S. Waihenage

First Place Open Women – SLA – M. B. C. H. Liyanage

First Place U-14 Girls – VV – Seneli Perera

First Place U-18 Boys – AIS – Shaylon Gunaratna

First Place U-23 Men – SLA – D. P. K. C. Bandara

First Place LW Men – SLA – Nafiran M. N. M.

First Place U-16 Boys – AIS – Venuk Panduwawala

First Place U-14 Boys – AIS – Shayden Gunaratna

First Place Open Men – SLA – Nafiran M. N. M.

Day Two: Relays

First Place U-18 Boys – AIS

First Place – Open Women’s – SLA-W

First Place – Open Mixed – SLA-X

First Place U-16 Mixed – DRA

First Place U-18 Mixed – GC

First Place U-23 Mixed – DRA

First Place U-18 Girls – VV

First Place U-23 Girls – KDU-A

First Place U-14 Boys – AIS

First Place U-14 Girls – VV-A

First Place U-16 Girls – LC- A

First Place U-16 Boys – AIS-A

First Place U-23 Mens – KDU-B

First Place Open Men – CRC