Rowing Nationals kick off at Diyawanna

39th Junior, Intermediate and Senior Rowing Nationals 2024


The 39th Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Rowing Nationals 2024, organized by the Amateur Rowing Association of Sri Lanka (ARASL) kicks off today (3rd April) at the Diyawanna Rowing Centre in Battaramulla. 

The event will be held from 3rd to 6th April with the participation of 450 athletes, representing 21 institutions who will compete in 60 races per day on the scenic 2km course at Diyawanna waters. 

The junior category of the competition will consist of age groups: Under 14, Under 16 and Under 19 for both boys and girls. The intermediate category will see the rowers from universities competing while the open category will witness the participation of rowers from Tri-Forces, Colombo Rowing Club, Diyawanna Rowing Academy, featuring national-level athletes. 

Nippon Paint Sri Lanka, Fondre Fat Spread, and Prima Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd are the main sponsors of the event. Air Vice Marshal Palinda Koswatte will be the chief guest for the final day of the competition.