New look SLAS committee to drive towards 3Ds

    SLAS new commitee

    Sri Lanka Automobile Sports (SLAS) governing body appointed a new committee that would govern the motor sporting activities in the Island at the Annual General meeting held recently.

    A veteran in the field of motor sports, Dilhan Jayawardane was appointed as the President of the SLAS uncontested while Rizvi Farook another veteran in the field of motor racing was appointed the secretary of the governing body.

    Motor sporting in Sri Lanka has been a sport which draws large numbers and is reportedly one of the most viewed sports on television second to only Cricket.  Despite the ever increasing crowd interest and enthusiasm for the sport, the governing body, SLAS has been criticized for not actively dictating terms on the sport and letting the member clubs control the running of the sport. contacted the newly elected president of the SLAS Mr. Dilhan Jayawardane to find out what changes he plans to bring to the governing body that has been plagued with numerous short comings in the past.

    “I have requested my committee to work towards a 3 D concept which symbolizes Discipline, Development and Delivery. “

    Explaining further how this concept would be used for the betterment of the sport, Mr.Jayawardane added that,

    “In anything we do it is very important that we as the governing body uphold discipline. At the moment there is no respect for the governing council and we will only be able to command respect from the member clubs if we uphold discipline at the highest. As the governing body it is also our responsibility to develop the sport, and by development it’s important that we provide opportunity to more people to enter into the sport as well as provide opportunities for the current drivers and riders to develop train and up skill themselves. It’s also important that we provide our drivers and riders with chances and exposure to international competition”

    Mr. Jayawardane was also of the opinion that there are two factors of racing that were very active in the past but needs to be developed for the betterment of the sport  “a decade ago there was real good interest in formula racing and TSD rallies. We hardly see any competitions taking place and we will have a big emphasis on these two aspects and will look to increase the number of competitions”

    Talking about the final trait of the 3D concept Mr. Jayawardane spoke of how they plan on delivering the plans.

    “Delivery is very crucial and I have stressed on the importance of having achievable short term targets for the first year as it is important for us to deliver on what we set our minds to”

    The governing committee will overlook the functions of five sub committees that have been formed to carry out the functions more effectively.  They are; Constitution reform committee, Disciplinary committee, Technical committee, Event approval and track inspection committee and Technical committee.

    Speaking about new changes brought in Mr. Jaywardane added that

    “we have made arrangements to bring in reputed individuals who are not part of SLAS governing body for some of the sub committees, as an example apart from the three members of the governing body the disciplinary committee will consist of a retired high court judge, a ministry representative and also Mr. Suren Cook who is a very well respected veteran in the motor sporting fraternity.  We have also involved Dilantha Malagamuwa in our Track inspection committee as we felt he will be able to add in a lot of value with his vast international experience” wishes to congratulate all the members of the newly appointed committee and wish them good luck in their endeavors to lift the quality of motor racing in the Island.

    Sri Lanka Automobile Sports New Committee

     President – Mr. Dilhan Jayawardane

    Secretary – Mr. Rizvi Farook

    Vice Presidents – Mr. Suranjith Premadasa & Mr. Kalinga Samarawera

    Asst. Secretary – Mr. Hamaz Fowzy

    Treasurer – Mr. Rizmin Razik

    Asst. Treasurer – Mr. Upulwan Serasinghe

    Committee members –  Mr. Pubudu Wickramage & Gamini Kavikara (SLARDAR) ,Mr. Mahesh Gammanpila & Jayantha Gammanpila (SLADA), Mr. Dilshan Dodanwela & Mr. David Trod (MRC), Mr Mahen Hurulle & Ryan Trod (CMSC), Mr.Asher Ameen & Mr. Andrew Silva (SMSC), Mr. Anil Jayakody & Mr. Ajith Hemachandra (SLMCC), Mr.T.G N Gamini & Mr. Malaka Herath (NMSC), Mr Ryan Grey & Shehan de Chikera  (Colombo MSC), Jaliya Jayasekara (AMRC)