Webb Ellis Cup set for royal handover


Prince Harry, Honorary President of England Rugby 2015, will join World Rugby Chairman Bernard Lapasset and RFU President Jason Leonard to present the Webb Ellis Cup to the winner of Rugby World Cup 2015 at the final on Saturday, 31 October, at Twickenham Stadium.

In his role as Honorary President, Prince Harry spoke at the opening ceremony, ahead of the first match on 18 September, and will close the tournament with the presentation of the coveted Webb Ellis Cup to the winning captain alongside Bernard Lapasset and Jason Leonard.


Fans should monitor tickets.rugbyworldcup.com for any official resale or additional tickets for the Bronze Final and Final.

Fans without tickets to Rugby World Cup 2015 can still be part of the tournament this weekend, enjoying live screenings at a number of official fanzones including Trafalgar Square, Richmond, Rugby and Exeter. Visit the fanzone section of this website for more information.

Fans unable to use their tickets for these matches should utilise the official resale service at tickets.rugbyworldcup.com, selling safely, securely and at face value direct to other fans.