Senaweera writes to FIFA to amend laws of game


Vice President of the Football Federation of Sri Lanka has written to the FIFA to amend the laws of the game regarding substitutes and bibs.

Sunil Senaweera who has over four decades of experience as a player, FIFA Referee, Instructor, Coach, Administrator and Match commissioner AFC/FIFA first wrote to FIFA back in 2007.

The first request was proposed on 27th June, 2007, with regards to Laws of the game — 3, number of players, 4th substitution in extra time which is under discussion and consideration by FIFA for implementation in near future.

His latest request involves substitutes. “I wish to propose that to Number all Bibs and Register the same Number in jerseys and shorts worn by the players.” Senaweera writes in his letter.

“I proposed to amend (add) the Laws of the game with my experience and some difficult situation face during my football carrier mostly as FIFA Referee and Match Commissioner AFC/FIFA.” He adds.

“It is not possible to identify the correct substitute commits any offence that, if all wear the same colour of bibs. If numbers are printed on bibs it would be very easy and possible to identify the correct player for necessary action required.

“I as Ex FIFA Referee, Referees inspector, administrator and Match Commissioner AFC/FIFA, officiated over 250 International matches faced many unexpected incidents which that failed find the correct player/substitute commits offenses.” He goes onto write.