Press Release by Science College


The Singer under 20 Division 1A match played between St Peters College and Science College at St Peters ground last Saturday was a much looked forward to encounter for the teams, their supporters as well as the rugby loving public.


The game was played at a tremendous pace , fortunes swinging from one side to the other, to the very end and neither team disappointed their fans.   However, the same cannot be said of the quality of refereeing that marred an otherwise splendid game leading to a controversial ending and rather unpleasant and unwarranted aftermath.  Close scrutiny of the video footage  confirms the poor refereeing and casts doubt whether the match was allowed to continue beyond the mandated 80 minutes playing time. We have lodged a strong protest with the relevant authorities , along with the video footage of the entire match, particularly highlighting the poor referring during the latter part of the game.

However, Science College wishes to affirm that it is only a game between two schools played with sportsmanship and Science College will show zero tolerance towards players, coaching and support staff who do not abide by the spirit and the rules of the game, both on field as well as off field.

It has been brought to the notice of the school authorities that a player of the team and the coach had violated the code of conduct . Science College wishes to emphatically state that it does not tolerate or condone such behavior by its players or coaching staff.

After an initial inquiry, the school authorities have suspended both the coach and the player concerned for a period of two weeks with immediate effect with a severe warning that a repeat of such behavior would result in further action.  The entire team and the support staff have been warned against such behavior.

Science College wishes to thank the authorities of St Peters College for the excellent arrangements made for the game and regret the untoward incident which spoilt the spirit of the game.