All-island schools Relay Carnival resurrected

All island relay championship Press co

The ever-popular All – Island Schools Relay carnival has been resurrected after a lapse of many years and will be held on 22nd to 24th June at the Bogambara Stadium, Kandy. This much looked forward to event is organized by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Ministry of Sports and will be co-sponsored by Ritzbury &

A media briefing was held at Nondescripts Cricket Club (NCC), headed by Mr. Sunil Jayaweera – Advisor (Physical Education and Sports) to the Minister of Education, Mr. Upali Amaratunga Asst. Director of Education (Physical education of Sports) and Veteran athlete Mrs. Sriyani Kulawansa – Project officer of the All Island Relay Championship.

Addressing the media gathered, Mr. Jayaweera profusely thanked all the media that was present, mentioning the role the media plays in promoting and up lifting the sport saying it was they who take the young athletes to the masses. Mr. Jaywaweera also thanked the event sponsors Ritzbury Choclates and for coming forward to sponsor this event which will grace the Islands tracks after a lapse of 16 years as the last schools edition was in the year 2000. Also commenting on the decision to move the championship to Bogambara from its original venue of Diyagama he added “we wanted to take this championships to Bogambara so we could take the sport to the villages and the masses, we want the crowds to come watch the event which creates hype among the budding young athletes and also will encourage more youngsters to take up the sport”

Photo Album – All-island schools Relay Carnival Press Confrence

3560 students from over 300 schools are set to compete in 5 Age groups (U13, 15, 17, 19 & 21) at Bogambara from 22nd to 24th of June, with an overall championship trophy on offer for schools that excel in the age groups. The opening ceremony of the event will be graced by Mr. Sarath Ekanayake – Chief Minister of the Central province and will make way for 03 exciting days of action. is proud to be a sponsor of this event that would see young talent groomed to take on the next level and make the motherland proud. Stay logged on to for latest updates on the All Island Relay championships 2016.