CSL 2015: HSC Blues join the unbeaten bracket


HSC Blues joined the unbeaten bracket and qualified themselves for the semi-final stage of the Colombo Super Leauge 2015 as they beat Colombo Bulls comperehesively with a 84-49 victory.
The game commenced with the tradtional jump ball start and Colombo Bulls drew first blood off a mid range jumper in the first possesion. Even though the Bulls kept scoring one after another during the first few minutes they failed to keep up the momentum for long. As the HSC Blues settled themselves down, they immediatly tightened the screws in defense. As the offense of the bulls failed to adopt into the situation they lost control of the game in the maiden quarter and it resutled in a leekage of points from the other end. HSC Blues scored twenty points in the quarter while the Bulls managed only nine.

Colombo Bulls adjusted into the sitiuation after the two minute break but this time around the offense of the HSC Blues was on point. Roshan Randima excelled himslef in the point gurad position holding sway throught out the game controlling the pace and shooting in a brilliant manner. Post players were on top of the cards etchihng the rebounds which gave them that second chance at the basket. The offense of the Bulls did make some impact but since their defesne was off-radar HSC Blues lead the game at the end of the second quarter as well.


Half time – HSC Blues – 41 – Colombo Bulls – 22
Even though the Colombo Bulls tried to change their strategies during the ten minute break, they could not reduce the defecit. They did opt for the half court and full court press but they opted for them during the last few seconds of the third quarter and by then the damage had been done already. If they had changed their staratgies at the five minute mark of the third quarter, they could have had a chance to embrace victroy. Colombo Bulls did have the height advantage but lacked experince in the game. Umar Naleer was handled well at the defense by Roshan Randima and it was the expreince of Randima that came to the party. Umar Naleer will be one of the future prosepects that could bring fame to Sri Lanka in the international arena if he is guided through properly.

Colombo Bulls started off the final quarter with full court defesne once again but they did not contiune it till the end of the quarter. They could have reduced the lead and scored points off turnovers if they did contiune to hold up the plan. HSC Blues was in sublime form and scoring infront of a sagging man-to-man defense was just as easy as playing without any opponet.


Full time – HSC Blues – 84 Colombo Bulls – 49

ThePapre.com player of the match – Roshan Randima (HSC Blues) 3