88th Battle of the Saints postponed

88th Battle of the Saints


The 88th Battle of the Saints 2 Day cricket encounter between St. Peter’s College and St. Joseph’s College, which was scheduled to take place at the P. Saravanamuttu Grounds on the 14th and 15th of July has been postponed after a discussion held between the two schools due to prevailing conditions in the country.

However, the 48th limited over encounter between the two schools will take place on the 15th of July at the same venue.

This year both teams are captained by two talented allrounders in Shevon Daniel for St. Joseph’s College and Wanuja Sahan for St. Peter’s College; both of whom have represented Sri Lanka at the Under 19 level.

Stay with ThePapare.com to find out all the latest information about the 88th Battle of the Saints encounter.