Seylan Bank & NDB Bank top day nine


Four matches were played in the Mercantile Services Basketball League on the ninth day. Here`s a look at what happened.

Seylan Bank (Women) v Commercial Credit & Finance (Women)

The women`s A division encounter was played at Henry Pedris Stadium. Seylan Bank led the game by seven points into lemons as the score board read 24-17.

Wijesiriwardhana top scored in the game by adding eighteen points for Seylan Bank as her team mate Sivalingam scored another ten points. Both Prasadi and Himansani scored twelve points each for Commercial Credit & Finance.

Even though the Seylan Bank did have a slight upper hand during the first half, the second half was a tight one. Seylan Bank went on to add twenty-nine points in reply to the thirty-two points of Commercial Credit & Finance.  The early lead by Seylan Bank helped them to win the game with a slight margin of four points as the final score board read 53-49.

Union Assurance v Hatton National Bank

The A division men’s encounter between Union Assurance and HNB was the second match for the day, also at Henry Pedris Stadium. Union Assurance comfortably led the game by ten points into half time as the score board read 31-21.

Udayanga top scored in the game with twenty-one points for Union Assurance while Isuru kept on the momentum flowing with another seventeen points. Maheel managed nine points and Chalinda chipped in with seven points for Hatton National Bank.

Continuing dominance into the game Union Bank piled up another twenty-one points in the second half. Hatton National Bank too added another twenty-six points. The ten point first half advantage helped Union Assurance to be on the safe side of the match. The final score card read in favor of them 60-47.

MAS Holdings v National Development Bank

The B division women’s encounter was played at Otters Aquatic Club. MAS Holdings trailed the game by fourteen points into half time as the score board read in favor of NDB Bank 30-16.

Hashani top scored in the game with nineteen points for National Development Bank while Natasha helped the course with another seventeen points. It was Shimali who scored fifteen points for MAS Holdings.

National Development Bank went on to add another twenty-five points into the second half of the game while MAS Holdings added on another sixteen points to their total. National Development Bank registered victory as the final score board depicted 55-32.

LB Finance v HSBC Sri Lanka

The final match for the day in the C division men`s category was played at Otters Aquatic Club. It was a tight contest between both parties as the game was tied at twenty-eight all at lemons.

Gihan top scored in the game with thirty-three points for LB Finance while Stephan paddled up with another ten points. Praveen added on twenty-two points for HSBC Sri Lanka while Chamara helped with eleven points.

Cutting the competition wide open LB Finance added on twenty-nine points into the second half while HSBC Sri Lanka scored twenty-five points in reply. After a game that went right down to the wire LB Finance won the match 57-53.