Poor attendance for trials for Asian Schools Athletic Championship


The selection trials for the upcoming under 18 Asian Schools Athletic Championships was held today at the Diyagama Mahinda Rajapakse International Stadium. They were held for twenty seven events.

The second edition of the Asian Athletic Championships will be held in Chuhan, China from 27th June-02nd July. The circular for the selections was issued by the School’s Athletic Association on the 20th of May 2015. The applications for the championship were distributed among the junior athletic meet that was held recently. However it was disappointing to note, out of the eight hundred applications distributed only forty odd students applied for the championship.
The nature of the championship has changed this time from the first edition. “This time the championship is focused as group events and not individual events and it is the first time that Sri Lanka is participating in this manner of a championship” said Nevil Rodrigo the secretary of the Schools Athletics Association.

Each country should have two groups male and female respectively. In each group there should be six members and each member could participate for two events in the following manner:

1.       One running event and one jumping event

2.       One running event and one throwing event

3.       One jumping event and one throwing event


Based on the above set of rules the hosting country China itself has sent a selection criterion. Each athlete will get points for their performance and the top six point scorers will be selected into the team that will be touring to China next month.

Athletes from Gateway College, Leeds International School, Lumbini College, and Lyceum College were present at the selection trials and it is indeed a question as to why many junior athletes have not responded to the call of the schools association. It is puzzling to think how the officials went wrong in communicating the importance of participating and representing your country in an international championship.

Finally Secretary of the Schools Association Mr. Nevil Rodrigo speaking to ThePapare.com said “The team will be finalized today after the selection trials according to the points scored on each athlete and selected athletes will be reached on Monday to discuss further training schedules and tour planning”.