Thirty seven candidate coaches complete WSF Level 1 Coaching course

WSF Level 1 Coaching Course 2023


World Squash Federation Level 1 Coaching Course / WSF Level 1 Tutor Course was successfully held from 24th to 28th July in Colombo.

The WSF Level 1 Coaching Course provides an excellent platform to learn the fundamentals of squash coaching. This course covers a wide range of topics, including the coaching process, the Progression, the role of a coach, and the development of generic skills.

The course was facilitated by Major S Maniam of Malaysia, who is a highly experienced Consultant Coach with a wealth of knowledge and has been a major contributor to the development of Sri Lanka Squash over the years.

The coaching program witnessed a record number of 37 Candidate Coaches which included foreign participants from Pakistan and Qatar whilst there were 4 Tutor Candidates who will go on to conduct future WSF Courses.