Schools rugby teams to lose a point – SLSRFA


The Sri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Association (SLSRFA) in a meeting held with all the masters in charge of the respective schools rugby teams have advised them that a point will be deducted if any person other than those on the team card provided previously is seen on the sidelines or benches during any school rugby match.

The most exciting Singer schools rugby is in to the second round from this weekend. Although the plate – bowl & shield games have already commenced the cup matches will commence on the 30th Saturday.

According to Mr. Susantha Mendis Secretary – SLSRFA there have been numerous problems with the players on the bench, water carriers, coaches etc… during a match.

He stated that “at times there have been more than 3 water boys running in to the field and sometimes entering without permission in to the field” We have clearly mentioned to all the schools about the sideline rules.

1)      Only 10 subs allowed in the bench

2)      Only three water boys (should be present school boys) ( a coach or a trainer or a junior coach CANNOT take water on to the field)

3)      One Doctor or a physio or a medical trained person

4)      Three officials (coach, asst coach, MIC) by the bench

5)      Coaches should not come out of the allocated mark

Prior to the match the relevant school’s master in charge have to mention clearly on the team cards the names of those who will be on the field by the sideline. If the schools fail to do so SLSRFA will monitor this strongly and reduce a point from the total points earned in the league.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mendis stated that there will be a ‘fair-play’ award with a surprising cash prize from the sponsors. The most disciplined school will be rewarded at the end of the season. This will be nominated by the referees, match commissioners and the SLSRFA committee.