Prince Of Wales’ College, Moratuwa – Building a perfect side


Cricket was established in Prince of Wales’ over 8 decades ago. Since this time Prince of Wales has taken its place in Sri Lanka’s cricket history by producing players for the national side.

Coaching the first eleven side today, Suranga Wijenayake had been a great contributor to the Prince of Wales’ cricket since his school days. Suranga had played school cricket for 6 years and captained the team in 1996. Suranga also has represented the Under 19 national cricket team, Under 23 National Cricket team, the Sri Lanka A team. Being a coach at Isipathana College for three years, Suranga has been with the first 11s of Prince of Wales’ for 3 years as well. 

Taking on a side which lost its big match Suranga had lots of responsibilities on his shoulders. “It was a side which lost the big match. With only two coloursmen and a bunch of freshers I had start from scratch. ”the head coach of Prince of Wales’ College Suranga stated.  Part of the reason for their losses had been the deteriorated physical strength of the players. In the case of a two day match the players hadn’t been able to endure the physical stress. Suranga noting the weak point had implemented a daily physical training session in addition to the traditional cricket training. Suranga believed the talents of the players will outshine only if the players are physically strong enough and he was right.“

In the year following Prince of Wales’ had 4 outright victories and the cricket team started picking up. Under Kusal’s Captaincy the team furthered to have another 4 victories while Kusal Mendis being the best school boy cricketer. Kusal became the best batsman in the Bata observer school boy cricketer contest.

Gearing up for the big day

The first  XI cricket team of Prince of Wale College has the sole aim of facing the big match. They’ve already played three matches in the recent season and are gearing up to confront the opponents – St. Sebastian’s College – comfortably. Currently the team is undergoing two practice sessions as the coach has implemented in the past two year. A morning sessions inculcated for the physical training serves to build up endurance and afternoons towards usual cricket practices. 

Facing the Sebastian’s is the same team as last year but with much more experience. “We were the winners of the limited overs match and since then we’ve fared really well in the last season. So I’m very optimistic and hoping there’ll be a bigger turnover this time” notes the captain. The Prince of Wales’ College first XI team has faced 8 matches in the last season since the big match. The team had won one outright versus Mahindha College Galle. And have been the winners of the first innings in the rest of the matches. With the big match the team is expected to play 11 more matches this season.

Behind preparations 

Prince of Wales College believes concentrating on each match individually helps them to relieve stress in the game. Captaining for the second year, Ashen Mendis believes focusing on the victory of each and individual match they play helps him to manage the team. Ashen had been a big match participant for four years. He’s about to face his last match in 2014. “I’ve played cricket since I was 7 years old and was able to perform my best last year. I scored 600 runs last season. We’ve lost a big match in the recent past and with all the experience my sole aim to bring back a victory to our school.” 

Upcoming stars 

This season Kusal Mendis can be named as the ideal upcoming player for Prince of Wales’. Mendis also has the distinction of captaining the Sri Lanka U 19 team which will certainly add to the school’s history and is the only player to captain 5 tours of the team. Thilan Nimesh is another star player to look at. On his tour of England he was named as the man of the series getting 5-6 wickets in every match. Shanuka Dulaj is the all-rounder with outstanding qualifications Prince of Wales’ is known for adding 900 runs in each of the last two years and taking 50 wickets. This season he has scored 650 runs out from the 8 matches he has played with two centuries and three half centuries.

“I want to build up a perfect side for Wales’. Right now it’s time to cut down on mistakes and perfect the game. I’m sure with the practices we are involved in right now we’ll be able to make it,” Suranaga wrapped his comprehensive mission for the cricket team in few words. 

Following is the first XI cricket team of Prince Of Wales’ College, Moratuwa.

Ashen Mendis – Captain

Kusal Mendis – Wise Captain

Shanuka Dulaj – All Rounder

Chirshen Aponsu – Batsman

Suchira Fernando – Batsman

Gayan Chamara – All Rounder

Jayanga Peiris – Bowler

Vihanga Dilshan – Batsman

Sachith Pushpakumara – All-rounder

Thilan Nimesh – Bowler

Rameesha Soysa- Bowler

Hasitha Lanka – All-rounder

Shanel Chethaka – Bowler

Ashan Fernando – Bowler

Ravindu Sasanka – Batsman

Suraj Wijethunge – All rounder

Vishwa Chathuranga – Batsman

Kasun Fernando – Batsman

Kasun Ekanayake – Batsman

Senior cricket Master – Mr. Akila Bandara

Prefect of Games – Mr. Susantha Mendis