Navy ‘A’ clinch Women’s club rugby 7’s


The Women’s Inter Club 7s tournament which was worked off at Havelock Park yesterday was dominated by the forces of Sri Lanka.  Navy ‘A’ in a last minute ditch came back fighting to grab it off Army ‘A’ runners up in the cup segment.

The Tigresses won the Shield segment (Tigresses 10-00 Seethawaka, Navy ‘B’ were crowned Bowl champions (Navy ‘B’ 40-00 Thalathuoya) and the Sri Lanka Air Force won the Shield (Air Force 39-00 Army ‘B’).  

Other results of the day :

    Navy ‘A’ 52- 00 Tigresses .

    Army ‘A’ 30-00 AirForce

    Army ‘B’ 25-00 Seetawaka

    Rathgama 00-55 Navy ‘B’

    Army ‘A’ 47-00 Thalathuoya

    Navy ‘A’ 34-00 Army ‘B’

    Army ‘A’ 37-00 Rathgama

    Tigresses 20-00 Seetawaka

    AirForce 20-10 Navy ‘B’

    Rathgama 00-10 Thalathuoya

    Navy ‘A’ 43-00 Seetawaka

    Army ‘A’ 31-00 Navy ‘B’

    AirForce 17-00 Thalathuoya

    Tigresses 00-10 Army ‘B’

    AirForce 20-00 Rathgama

    Navy ‘B’ 20-00 Thalathuoya

    Cup Semi -1 Navy ‘A’ 17-00 AirForce

    Cup Semi -2 Army ‘A’ 26-00 Army ‘B’

    Bowl Semi -1 Tigresses 05-07 Thalathuoya

    Bowl Semi -2 Seetawaka 00-34 Navy ‘B’


In a closely contested Cup final Navy ‘A’ fought their way back after trailing Army A, to made a remarkable come back to win the Cup segment. 

Both teams started off brightly, although neither managed to capitalize. However as the pressure pilled on Navy ‘A’, Army ‘A’ managed to draw first blood through Niranjala Wickremarathne who touched down in the corner. Although the conversion attempt was unsuccessful, that drew to end a tightly contested first half.

(Army ‘A’ 5-0 Navy ‘A’)

Navy ‘A’ started the second half on a bright note as they pilled pressure on the Army ‘A’ team and Sandika Hemakumari scored early in the second half to level the scores. Conversion was missed (Army ‘A’ 5-5 Navy ‘A’)

Army ‘A’ came back all guns blazing to restore their lead as Ayesha Perera scored her teams second try. The conversion was missed. (Army ‘A’ 10-5 Navy ‘A’)

With time running out on the Navy ‘A’ team, they tried hard to break through, swinging the Army defence east to west. Navy ‘ A’ team ‘s tireless work paid off as their and Sri Lankan Skipper Thanuja Weerakody made a clever break to score under the post as the conversion marked a remarkable comeback to seal Navy ‘A’ the cup championship. 

(Army ‘A’ 10-12 Navy ‘A’)