‘Water’ Fitness


Hello all fitness and Sports friends! 

Most of you may be passionate about energy drinks, carbonated drinks, malted milk etc to cover up your thirst and to hydrate yourselves.    Some may think taking 2lts per day or 8 glasses of water per day is the   ideal way to hydrate yourself.   Most of you drink water, when you are thirsty, after a rugby match, after a gym workout, or even after a cardio (running) session at  Independence Square.   

Water should be taken NOT when you are THIRSTY.    Thirst is the equivalent of a car with a low water level.   What do you then?  You refill it so that the water level is normal right?   Already the performance of the vehicle is low, the gasket could be boiled or heated.   This is the same story with your body.    You become thirsty when your body is overheated and there is less water in your tank.   Why do you wait till you have to refill?   You should have kept the water levels in the body already hydrated by taking water when you are NOT thirsty.   Lets look at the scientific method of doing this. First take your body weight, divide it by 7 to select the number of cups you must drink for a day.   Eg: if you are 70kgs, dividing it by 7 = 10.   So 10 cups is how much of water you should drink for a day if you are 70kg. 

1 cup = 250ml

i.e 10x250ml = 2500ml


Water Rule  Per  Day  ->    Your body weight in Kg ÷ 7 =  Number of cups per day

The higher your weight, the more water you would need to consume.     However do not over hydrate your body.   Some people think if they drink more than required it would enable better performance and function of the body systems.   On the contrary this would lead to over flushing the kidneys and essential minerals from the body and overwork certain organs such as the kidneys.



All queries and thoughts could be directed to [email protected]