Asian Games Summation : Disappointment for Sri Lankan Sports


The 17th Asian Games ended successfully in Incheon, South Korea after 16 days last Saturday.The biggest sporting extravaganza in Asia had a serious mix of Asian African,Pan Pasific and South American sporting personalities.

Over 13,000 Athletes/Officials together with some 7000 media persons representing 45 countries affiliated to the Olympic Council of Asia arrived in the Southen Port City of Incheon with the ultra modern airport being promoted as the best in the world. It really was a carefully designed,tastefully constructed,gigantic sructure with facilities aplenty.36 sports were conducted at 48 venues and approximately 30,000 volunteers/staff rendered a highly appreciated service as 7000 medals were decided in competition. As expected, China won the major share of all medals to confirm it as the super power in the region.South Korea as the host nation may have been happy to end up far below but in second place ahead of Japan.The only disappointment may have been a few they failed to secure.

Sri Lanka fielded a team of 80 Athletes and 31 Officials participating in 09 Sports.Rear Admiral Shemal Fernando as Chef de Mission and Senior Suprintendent of Police ( retired ) Upali Kumarasiri as his Deputy were hopeful of a better performance as Sri Lanka had only a Bronze Medal for Athletics  since Doha,Qatar in 2006.

The saving grace for Captain,Chinthana Vidanage was Cricket.A Bronze  for the Ladies and a Gold for the Men was only a consolation for Team Sri Lanka.The Gold Medal came after 12 years since Busan,South Korea for Athletics.The general  decline in sports in the country is quite evident.

For the record it must be stated that Chandrika Subhashini Rasnayake,Gayanthika Abeyratne and Anuradha Indrajith Cooray all achieved personal best performance levels in their respective events in Athletics.

The men’s Sevens Rugby just missed out winning a Bronze, loosing to South Korea in a tight match.

The Hon. Minister of Sports, Mahindananda Aluthgamage signed a MOU in  Sports Promotion and Exchange of Technical Expertise with his counterpart from South Korea. He made a flying visit during the two day men’s Sevens Rugby competition which his excellency Tissa Wijeratne, the Ambassador for Sri Lanka in Korea had arranged. Vice President of the Olympic Council of Asia and President of the National Olympic Council of Sri Lanka, Hemasiri Fernando Presented the Medals for Men’s Cricket.

A former Cricket Captain of the University of Colombo and a member of the Sri Lanka Navy team he had played a major role to include Cricket at the Asiad.The absence of India and Pakistan took away much of the glamour of  Cricket. in Incheon. A huge crowd of expatriot workers were at the venue to cheer the Cricketers as they clinched the Gold Medal.Some of them had travelled overnight from places as far as 400kms.The first day of a rare three day holiday also contibuted. The scene after the match was a typical local big match atmosphere with most of the relatively young  Sri Lankans jumping over the picket fences and mobing the team members.The Incheon Games Organising Committee members present were taken unawares of the cricketing culture and the breach of security in their view was a serious one.SWAT and SF teams were rushed in but no major incidents occured.

The 19 member Men’s Hockey team was included after over 30 years.Soldier DMPP Dissanayake a member of the 16 player team went missing after participating at the closing ceremony. The President of the Sri Lanka Hockey Federation, Senior Suprintendent of Police,Sumiyh Edirisinghe was a member of the Panel of Jury for the sport at the Games. Deputy Commissioner of Prisons and Treasurer,National Olympic Committee Of Sri Lanka, Gamini Jayasinghe was an Official.Yet, the case of the missing player is a serious matter for the Team Officials.

Destiny Shines Here was the slogan of the Games.The rivalries of North and South Koreas,China and Japan,Iran and Iraq,India and Pakistan,Qatar  and Saudi Arabia,Malaysia and Thailand as well as Afghanistan and Indonesia siced up the competition which was hot despite the cool temperatures on some days.In four years time the next host will be Jakartha,Indonesia.

The six days of travel from the Main Media Center at he Songdo Convention Arena to the Yeonhui Cricket Venue was a rewarding one for me.The near 40 minute luxury bus ride took us over the 15kms.  Long bridge over the sea with container carriers commuting underneath.The high rise buildings and city lights coupled with highly charged night life was easy to savour.South Koreans are tech savy as you may already know but they are also obssessed with their mobile phones at any time of the day at any place they go about. To make my stay comfortable at Juan the hospiitality of Sampath,Sumith,Nilan,Prasanna and Anoma was invaluable.To be back at home sweet home is a luxury.


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