SLC Press Release – Sri Lanka ‘A’ Player incident


Further to the earlier Press Release on the above subject, the Team Manager Mr. Jayantha Seneviratne submitted a report to the CEO on the above incident.

According to the report, the Team has boarded the flight BA 2158 from Greneda around 5 pm on the 30th of June 2013 to London. The incident took place around midnight during the flight. The  player concerned namely Ramith Rambukwella had tried to use the toilet.  Due to the dim lights in the cabin the player has mistakenly  tried to open one of the cabin doors thinking it was the toilet door . At that moment certain passengers had brought to his notice that he is trying to access the incorrect door. At this point the officials of the Sri Lankan team too walked up to the player and directed him the right way. The player apologized profusely to the passengers and to the  cabin staff who accepted it in good faith.

An inquiry will be conducted based on the Managers Report and disciplinary action will be taken on the player concerned if found fault.