Sports Journalists Association receives donation from Sports Minister

Minister donated
The picture shows Minister Jayasekera handing over the cheque to SLPSJA Secretary Rajapaksa.

The Minister of Sports handed over a donation of Rs. 1 million towards the welfare fund being maintained by the Professional Sports Journalists Association of Sri Lanka (PSJASL) late last month.

The handing over of the cheque to this effect took place in the presence of Sports Minister Dayasiri Jayasekera and officials of the SLPSJA at the Sports Ministry on the 22nd February.

The event was also attended by the Secretary of the Ministry of Sports Jayantha Wijeratne and media officer Lahiru Samarasinghe.

The SLPSJA was represented by its Secretary Sirinama Rajapaksa (Mawbima) National Organizer K Ramakrishnan (Ceylon Today) and its three vice presidents, Hasitha Akalanka (ITN), Pethum Wijeratne (Ada) and Neville Anthony (Weerakesari).

The Professional Sports Journalists Association of Sri Lanka (PSJASL) comprising sports journalists of media organizations around the island, was formed last year and the PSJASL held their inaugural meeting at the Sports Ministry (Duncan White Auditorium) this January. Champika Fernando was elected President, Sirinama Rajapakse as Secretary, Yohan Basuriya as Treasurer and Karuppiah Ramakrishnan as National Organizer.