New SLC administration meets ICC chief


A very productive meeting was held between Hon. Minister of Provincial Councils, Local Governments and Sports Faiszer Mushthapha and Chairman of ICC Mr.Shashank Manohar, this morning (6th June) at the ICC head office in Dubai.

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Amidst robust discussions about the overall development of Sri Lanka Cricket, both internationally and locally, the minister also took the opportunity to bring the ICC chief up-to speed on the current administrative status of Sri Lanka cricket.

He mentioned that due to a court order that the annual general meeting was not held, and in order to ensure seamless operation that he took the initiative to appointed the current secretary of Ministry of Provincial Councils, Local Governments and Sports Mr.Kamal Pathmasiri as the competent authority.

Sri Lanka Cricket in a special meeting with ICC

At this meeting the minister emphasized that his only goal is to ensure that none of the work processes are broken down, and that the sport continues to thrive, so that the cricket loving public, and all stake holders of SLC continue to enjoy and appreciate the game.

The ICC chief congratulated the Minister in his new role and said he was looking forward for progressive discussions and solutions directed towards Sri Lanka Cricket, in the future.

The Competent authority of SLC Mr.Kamal Pathmasiri, CEO of ICC Mr.Dave Richardson and CEO of SLC Mr.Ashley de Silva, who also present at the meeting.