Colts Women’s Team earn their second hockey championship at 2014 CHA finals


Colts women’s hockey team battled with Young Ladies for the Colombo Hockey association Finals at the Astro Turf on the 4th of May 2014

The ladies final of Colombo Hockey Association was exclusive to only one category.  Competing in this was club Colts and Young Ladies. Being the first match in the morning with a gloomy whether, both teams were off to a slow start. The court was soaking with water after heavy showers in the early morning.

The first break towards an almost goal was pushed by Colts women’s team. However the successful push forward from the goal keeper of Young Ladies hockey team saved the goal. The real battle between the two teams started at that point. Dinesha having lost her first goal was still holding on to the puck 50 yards from the goal. Player number 12 of Young Ladies pushed the puck in her favor but in Dinesha’s defense this wasn’t strong enough a stroke. So in turn it helped Dinesha Perera to move forward. Closing up on the goal she easily scored the first goal of the game.

The second goal was shortly after the first. This time taking the front lead was Manisha. She pushed the puck in through two defenses by a pass to her fellow no. 11. Soon after closing about to 20 yards to the goal with a narrow opening Manisha Welaratne scored her goal of the game. Feeling the pressure in the first quarter itself, Young Ladies were furious to make a comeback. Yet they failed.

The most successful attempt to a goal was when No. 9 of Colts miss passed to no. 12 of Young Ladies. Still they weren’t able to score the goal. As young ladies closed in on the striking circle the goal keeper of Colt’s stroke the puck to the other end of the court; this gave an unexpected opportunity to Dinesha Perera again. She scored her second goal of the game just about to break for the half time. This left the game three to nil in favor of Colts by the half time.

The two teams were on a mutually strong battle in the second quarter. Yet no one was able to supersede the other. With the early advantage Colts women team had, they were the female champion of Colombo Hockey Association 2014 tournament. Being the winner of the women’s hockey champions before, this was the second year that Colt’s women’s team was able win the championship.