Fierce rivals on the field, friends off it


8 years on from Captaining Royal College at the 131st Battle of the Blues between Royal and S. Thomas’ College, here are Bhanuka Rajapakse’s thoughts on what the Royal-Thomian means to him.

By Bhanuka Rajapakse – 2010 Royal College Captain

The arrival of March every year undoubtedly brings wonderful, nostalgic memories to every Royalist and Thomian.

I feel a great sense of pride mixed with immense humility for having had the fortune to captain our team in the year which marked the 175th Anniversary of our great institute Royal College and the 131st encounter against Thora. This brought great joy not only to me, my brother and cousins but also to my grandfather who I think is one of the proudest legendary Royalists.                              

This annual encounter, though some may think is played between two fierce rivals, is played with one goal in mind -VICTORY and this too victory achieved in a noble, just and gentlemanly manner.

Let me recall the 131st encounter in which I captained the Royal Team and Dinesh Walpita captained the Thomian team. We fought fiercely on the field but away from the field we were the best of friends.

Read: It will go down in history as one of the greatest innings at a Royal-Thomian – Harith Samarasinghe relates

As a Royalist, I can say that every Royalist form the middle school to the secondary school is involved in this event through the fun-filled cycle parade and this gives them a strong feeling of being a Royalist.       

The players at the center of the SSC grounds are provided with such inspiration and encouragement through the knowledge the old boys in their thousands assemble form all parts of the globe to watch their schools play. This provides the best platform for them to meet and renew old ties and friendships. This indeed is the best meeting place for every loved one of yesteryear from both schools. 

“They have repaid the debt they owed; they kept Thy fame inviolate.” It is now our turn to do the same our forefathers did. Let us all, cricketers past, present and the future join hands and do it with pride and passion, for nothing is difficult or impossible for a Royalist to do for his Alma Mater.