Army, HFC, GHS & Maliyadeva win at NetChamps

Army SC - Open Category Champions (2018 Net Champs Netball Tournament)

Army SC won the Open category while Holy Family Convent Kurunegala and Kaluthara won the U15 and U19 categories respectively at the 2018 Net Champs Tournament, at the Welegedara Stadium, Kurunegala.

Army, Holy Family, Maliyadeva Balika & Musaeus win

Army SC won the A Division Women’s Championship while Holy Family Convent …

Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya won the U13 category while Girls’ High School Kandy won the U17 category.

In the U13 final Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya defeated Holy Family Convent, Kurunegala 8-5 while Holy Family Convent, Kurunegala won the U15 final defeating Hillwood College, Kandy 18-4.

Girls’ High School, Kandy won 13-10 against Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya to win the U17 age category and Holy Family Convent, Kaluthara defeated Hillwood College 17-11 in the U19 category.

Photos: Net Champs Netball Tournament 2018

In the Open Category Army SC comfortably defeated Sri Lanka Schools’ Team 16-7 to another championship to their cabinet in 2018.

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