2nd South Asian Sepaktakraw Championship

2nd South Asian Sepaktakraw Championship2nd South Asian Sepaktakraw Championship2nd South Asian Sepaktakraw Championship

Sri Lanka will play host to the 2nd amature Sepaktakraw championship on the 14th and 15th of January 2017. Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan will be participating alongside hosts Sri Lanka.

Sepaktakraw is a sport that is not well known in Sri Lanka. It is a team sport played with 3 members on one side using a rattan ball. The players are only allowed to use their feet, knees, chest and head to touch the ball.

One of the three players shall be at the back; he is called a “Tekong”. The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The player on the left is called a “Left Inside” and the player on the right is called a “Right Inside”

Moving back to the South Asian Sepaktakraw tournament, the tournament is organized by the South Asian Sepaktakraw Federation (SASTAF) and the first edition was held in Nepal in 2012.

This is the first time ever that a championship of this magnitude will be held in Sri Lanka and it would enhance and bring the sport to the view of the Sri Lankan Public.

Addressing the gathering, Mr.T.N. Hajireen, the President of the Sri Lankan Sepaktakraw governing body brought forward the hardships he has faced to find sponsors but is optimistic the tournament will be a success.

The tournament is scheduled to be held at the St. Joseph’s College auditorium.